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Easier said than done. You see, Facebook does not provide an option to delete your profile. Let me repeat that so that its inanity can be fully realized. You CANNOT delete YOUR OWN profile from Facebook. The best that is offered by the ever benevolent Facebook is an option to "deactivate" your account, which will leave all information, photos, etc intact on the Facebook servers. This is great, if you think you may want to come back. It is very bad, however, if you care about control over your personal information. At this point, I did some searching on the internet, and learned that if you wish to delete a Facebook account, they will require you to empty your account (a process that the Facebook interface does not facilitate, as each friend, each wall post, each photo must be removed one by one.) Having done this (thankfully, I'm not very popular, so I only had about 20 wall posts) I deactivated my account and then sent an email to Facebook asking for the deletion of my account. It was an annoying process, but it was over, right? Wrong. Mike Fenwick to privacy@facebook.com So in the end, it took three separate, and in no way ambiguous requests over the course of two days to get my account deleted. Personally, I think this level of service (or lack thereof) is abhorrent. I'd say it's enough to make me want to delete my Facebook account, but the irony is that I already have, and even if I hadn't, I'd have a hell of a time doing so. [an error occurred while processing this directive] 09/05/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Today's comic had an alternate final panel that went something like this
Guy 1: Oh. Well do we have the technology to hide the fact that I didn't know that? I personally think that that ending is funnier, but this isn't a political comic, so I chose to go a different way with it. I thought it was worth sharing with you all the same though. Also, I apologize if today's comic looks a hair off. I just learned the hard way that while being able to VNC into your home computer from campus is awesome, it doesn't work quite so well with photoshop (the cursor decides that it suddenly doesn't like rendering.) [an error occurred while processing this directive] 08/26/07 [an error occurred while processing this directive] Yes, the comic is still alive. Yes, I will be making more of them. No, I am not dead. I'm not going to give reasons, excuses, or promises. I will however, thank those of you who are still checking the site for being patient. The plan is to resuming biweekly updates starting right now. There will be a few more vacation mode comics until I get over the whole "holy crap I have homework in 6 classes" shock. No word on how long that will be, but you'll know it's over when you see the next high quality one. Finally, I want to make sure to point everyone at the RSS feed I added to the site. This should help you all be able to check up a little easier in case I disappear again. If you run into any problems with it, please let me know over in the shoutbox so I can (hopefully) fix it. |